NRW.BANK funding advice

The NRW.BANK supports start-up entrepreneurs in North Rhine-Westphalia in all phases – with subsidised loans, equity financing and comprehensive independent funding and advice.

Anyone wanting to start their own business in North Rhine-Westphalia, or anyone who already runs their own business, can seek support from the NRW.BANK. The development bank for North Rhine-Westphalia, together with the local banks, is the first port of call for any questions about finance, whatever phase your business is in. The NRW.BANK offers start-up and existing entrepreneurs subsidised loans and equity financing at favourable interest rates, tailored to suit your individual requirements – and it also provides support with its comprehensive independent funding advice, to help you prepare to discuss your financial requirements with your local bank.

This helps start-up entrepreneurs to get themselves in the best possible position to increase their chances of obtaining finance.

All relevant aspects considered

Inexperienced start-up entrepreneurs can find it particularly difficult to consider all the relevant aspects: what pitfalls are there in my business plan, projected figures, or strategy? For this reason, they receive funding and financial support ahead of the actual meeting with the bank. Naturally, banking confidentiality applies. NRW.BANK funding advisers also provide assistance when it comes to drafting the documents ahead of the meeting.

You will receive the specific and particularly favourable subsidised loan offered by the NRW.BANK after review by your chosen local bank – or you can opt for products offered by another institution. Advice in this case will also be independent.

Nevertheless, it is highly likely that the NRW.BANK's services include something that is just right for your start-up. To keep up to speed with the various products on offer, visit the NRW.BANK website to obtain information and search for suitable products (information in German only) – where you will also receive appropriate advice.

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